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> Program

Placing the reception desk into the future public library of Flémalle

A reception desk defined as a living functional sculpture.


> Concept

Based on a strict geometrical shape (the oval), the reception desk RING is devised into two identical modules that surround and enclose the building’s supporting columns.

A suspended veil, placed behind the columns, emphasizes the building’s height and separates each different function. It is also an ideal place for varied information such as the Logo etc …

RING includes the welcome desk and a desk with 3 Internet connection ports into a same shape while preserving their autonomy.

RING will prove itself to be long-lasting and easily adaptable if ever Internet connection ports were no longer required due to the rapidly developing IT sector (Iphone…).

With its central setting, the RING furniture emphasises space. All IT devices will be centralised.

Its appearance entices us to discover it while allowing the passage and our field of vision to be open from the outside right across to the back of the library. Thus, RING creates an opening, a curiosity, and a harmonious visual contact with the place’s new function.

Even unused, the reception desk RING remains to exist by itself and brings a visible dynamic to its surroundings.

Due to its particular design, RING is a long-lasting and easy-to-use piece of furniture.

With its innovative shape, RING will attract just as much children who will find its shape to be playful than lovers seduced by its beauty.

Images : Bihain Studio




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